Man, that was brilliant. I thought it would be another shitty stick movie at the start, but you proved me wrong. Well done.
Man, that was brilliant. I thought it would be another shitty stick movie at the start, but you proved me wrong. Well done.
must say they are a lot of shit stick movies and onl;y a few good ones but mines really neither juts one thats good enough to stay thanks
Sorry, man, but this was poor. The puzzle didn't sustain my interest long enough for me to vote higher. Try adding animation, maybe, and background music.
Some nice actionscript etc. on there, but dont forget that there are a trillion of these things already around.
Not bad at all. Try to addd better sound, and make the movement of the man less jerky, but this is OK.
Very Good...
Better than anything i've seen cpoming outof the portal. I gave it a 5.
Not bad
Nororigional, but a good tutorial. Kept the filesize samall, so i gave you a 4.
Origional, so I gve it a 3. But the suprise is crap.
Dude, that's funny.
Not bad
The fact that it was unorigional limited you to a 3, but it was quite god and showed promise.
Joined on 1/19/03