Moore does not hate America. He hates the American Government.
His remarks about the Iraqis winning the war do not referr to the toppling of Saddam, but to the Insurgants.
Well done on the fat comment. He's fat. Get over it.
He does not feel at ease with terrorists, he's saying that the terrorist threat is not equal to the hype which the American Government put on it.
His comments on 'Kill Whitey' are to make a point. The fact that there was a single black guy doing some eviciting in his movie was beyond the point. He was not evicted, so his statement is more than 100% true, and his point still stands: Black people are oppressed.
Walrus, just go back to the old tried-and-tested method of just taking the piss. Politics doesn't work with YAAFM, because you evidently can't do it right. Your other stuff is great.