Not a bad movie. Nice pieve of strings to go with the graphics, and I like the style. Well done.
Not a bad movie. Nice pieve of strings to go with the graphics, and I like the style. Well done.
I liked this. ONe thing: Add a prelosder, because the movie skips on slow connections without one.
Nice, the animationwas great, and the musioc was OK, if a little annoying after a bit. I like it. Well done.
You couldn't even be bothered to put a preloader on this? The start was too long, and the music was irriatting.
Nice short, but too short to earn any good points. I recommend you make things longer, it's better thant way.
The laughs were slightly worrying at the start... and the graphics were bad, but it wasn't atrocious, and the sounds were ok. so good enough.
i was forced to make this
Really poor... That was awful. You couldn't destroy the protectiong shields and the sounds were AFWUL!
It was nice, but too short to warrant a high mark. Do the whole song, ecause the style was very good.
preloader? It was annoying having to wait for all the sounds and stuff to load. A preloader would be nice.
Ya, I don't know why the it wasn't working. I checked the action script it was perfect... Guess it just wasn't happy ;P Now I got ol' trusty in here to set things right.
Joined on 1/19/03