I like clay, but this one wasn't as great as your others. The sounds were cheesy.
I like clay, but this one wasn't as great as your others. The sounds were cheesy.
I only have two claymations.
I know the sounds werent that good.
Not origional, but good enough to protect.
Not the most origional of all concepts, but very good. The sound addeda lot to it. Good for a 4.
thanks i nkow its kinda boring at the start but thats cause well i kinad meant it to be a trailer than lol i changed my mind so next time its gunna be better
5MB of movie and no preloader. It's 15mins wasit for 56Kers. Have a bit of sense.
Not bad
Nothing great. The music gfot annoying VERY quick, and it was a bit random, but good enough to protect.
Dude, Clay rules! The camera shook SLIGHTLY though, but it wasn't much. Try to sort that.
It doesnt shake its just that my damn camera focuses in and out randomly for some reason. I still havent figured that out.
Not bad
The no animation thing kinda sucks, but there you go.
I liked it. Good graphics, good souhd, and origional.
Absolutely ESSENTIAL for anything over 3MB.
i will use a preloader next..... i did not think it would be such an f**kin big filesize
Joined on 1/19/03